Friday, November 13, 2009

Smells Of The Season

My favorite time of the year has begun. I love to start thinking of the holidays and making plans.
One of my traditions is to brew on the stove a pan of a delicious concoction that will fill my home with a holiday aroma.
I started this when my children were small and they still remember and enjoy walking into my home with that particular smell happening. Now I want to create those memories for my grandchildren.

Mom's brew: sauce pan of water, add 6-7 whole cloves, 2 cinnamon sticks and the peelings from 1 orange and 1 lemon (cut the fruit in half if you have no peelings). Boil then turn down to simmer and enjoy. Your nose will thank you.

As we all get ready for the holidays to start lets try and enjoy this time remembering exactly why we have Christmas. Yes, a baby was born, but he grew and became a man who lived and died for us. Do you thank Him for all he has done? Do you talk to Him? Do you have Him in your heart? He is the true and only gift we need.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Still Waiting For Fall

Yes indeed, I am still waiting for fall. The only thing that reminds you that fall is " 'a comin" are the decorations in the store. While it is hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalks, I still have a great desire and need to decorate. So I did!!! When you think about it, we have a longer time to keep fall decorations up than Christmas. When the last pumpkin and garland of leaves are packed up and put in the attic after Thanksgiving, you might as well bring out Christmas. Makes sense to me.

Now it is not my fault that I tend to rush the seasons. All the stores know about me and when they see me coming get all excited for the economy for some reason. I know that somewhere on my person the word "sucker" is visible.

But life is too short for not enjoying simple pleasures like a festive arrangement on the dining room table or a gorgeous mantle adorned with the bounty of the season.

Wow I think I need to go get one more pumpkin. Happy decorating!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Waiting For Fall

August is when I start thinking about all things fall. Orange, brown, sweaters, cordoroy, pumpkins, crunchy leaves underfoot, you get the idea. I think since I have been a kid that fall was my absolutely favorite time of the year. Things have not changed

It is so hot here and the humidity is so high that I am longing for a breath of cool air. Each evening when I let EllieMae out and in the early morning hours when I do the same I expect to feel like maybe it is coming. But no cigar! August is for people who love the beach and sun and wearing bathing suits (Ugh) I would rather curl up in a soft warm throw by the fireside. What's wrong with me?

I know it is coming. I know the pumpkins are still growing and the cider is fermenting and somewhere there is a chill in the air. I just live in the wrong place right now. So I will fix another glass of lemonade, turn the AC down and take a cool shower and wait.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Dog Days of Summer

Yes, well these days of summer have not been Ellie Mae's finest. I know she would agree. Her bo's bo's, as I talked about in an earlier blog (July 3), have gotten infected and she actually has a staph infection. She has had her tail wrapped up this week but after another trip to the vet it is time to let some air get to it. This demands constant attention to her where abouts. At bedtime she wears an Elizabethan collar. (She hates this). She looks at me with such disgust each night. But I have learned what tough love is.

Her meds consist of nine strong antibiotic pills a day. Two pain pills a day. Three sedative pills a day for her, not me and watching her every move that she does not scratch, gnaw, bite or rub the sore areas. Basically we are back to umbilical cord training that we learned at Canine Assistants many years ago.

This has been quite a process, but worth every minute. When she looks up at me and still hands me her paw, it certainly makes it all worthwhile. Maybe she needs some chicken soup. Not really, but an extra Milkbone would be nice.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pleasures With My Sis

My sister, Jill was here this week with her grandaughter, Campbell. They came for a summer visit so we could give the two 4-year olds some time to play together. Our daughters grew up together and now it is their daughters who want to be with one another. The grands are five months apart and enjoy each others company. So we think it is necessary to make the time available for these two little lives to experience life as cousins.

While Carly was riding heard at romper room, (thank you Carly) Jill and I shopped, decorated, ate and visited. We talked about family matters, our great husbands and the fact that we are so blessed to have two grandaughters who are so much like their mothers (our daughters).

We remembered dressing Carly and Courtney alike. (they brought "happys" that were matching "jammies"). So it sounds like the tradtion will continue.

After three days of dress-up, tea parties, crayon masterpieces with their great grandmother,
MiMi and countless pleas of "Jack get out of here", Jordan Ann and Campbell hugged and kissed and promised to see each other in another month for more summer fun.

Now Jill and I do not need much excuse to get together but now we have another generation of girls, who like that great old song says " just want to have fun".

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ellie Mae's "bo bo's"

Golden Retrievers have alot of fatty lumps on their skin. That just goes with the breed. Last week Ellie Mae had a large lump at the beginning of her tail just below her back along with several on her side. We had our vet look her over and all were checked and came back benign. Two days later they became infected and were "hot spots" that she would not leave alone. Back to the doctor we went to hear that this problem is very painful for a dog. An operation on her tail followed. Well I went to pieces when I saw the struggle she gave before being put on the exam table. Her big brown eyes looked at me as if to say "Mom, please don't leave me". Tearfully, I left the office knowing she was in good hands, but also knowing that this was the first time we have ever been separated since 2001.

You hear about pets becoming like children, but this experience hurt as much as when my children were sick with fever and I felt inadequate to care for them.

After a long night, we picked her up sedated and somewhat dazed. Her big brown eyes were half closed as she glanced at me. I know she was thinking "why did you let them do this to me?"

Her tail was shaved with a bright blue compression bandage wrapped tightly around down to the end and a little pom pom of hair (like a rabbits tail) was left. On her back there was a 5 inch square of hair shaved in the middle of her back with several stitches exposed for all to see her battle wounds. She had two more places on her side where tumors were removed. Her leg had an area shaved for the use of an IV. All in all she looks pretty good for the war she has been in.

After two days of drugs and a sedative that made her "zombie-like" she is becoming more like herself again. The bandage comes off today and her tail will look more like a snake than a beautiful plumb she once had.

They say time heals all and I know that is true. I have learned once again (as if I needed to be reminded) how important this dog is to me.

Have a safe 4th of July! Ellie Mae says "ruff."

Monday, June 22, 2009

I Wish You Enough

Recently my daughter-in-law sent me a forward that had the following words. It was in a family for generations that was always said. It is so beautiful that I would like to adopt it as my wish....

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.

I wish you enough pain that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.

Iwish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough hellos to get through the final goodbye.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Two nights ago my daughter and two grandchildren came for "sketti dinner". It was the usual chattering chaos, when Carly said "Mom, did you understand what Jack just said to you?" I had to admit that I did not. She told me "he was saying the fruits of the spirit". After I picked up my jaw off the floor, I said "WHAT"? She then told me that he was learning since Jordan Ann has been reciting them. Well I have always known them but could only recall six of the nine. I asked Jordan Ann to tell me and she ripped off all nine without studdering one time.

Ok LORD thank you for having the little children lead me. I got out my Bible and looked u p the scipture verse (Galatians 5:22) and have memorized the fruits and prayed that I can constantly strive to live them in my daily life, but only with the Lords help.

My two grandchildren did what no preacher might have been able to do in my life.

Now they might not understand what each fruit is, but my prayer is, as they grow, for them to see each one exemplfied in their Gammy's life.

Yes, out of the mouths of babes. What else will they teach me?

Just a thought...what if our country would read Galatians 5:22?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Family Favorite

Cooking is my last priority since all my children are grown and gone. But there are always some easy and good favorites that are more like comfort foods (yet soooo easy). One of mine is spiced applesauce. Literally, it is one jar of your favorite applesauce and a handful of red hots ( the little red candies that taste like cinnamon). Melt together in a sauce pan on medium low and watch it, Keep stirring til melted and place in a pretty dish. Serve warm with a meal which is delicious on a cold winter night. Or eat cold out of the refrigerator with a breakfast muffin on your patio in the summer. Either way it is a satisfying addition to a ho-hum menu.

I always pulled it out of my culinary cabinet when we had a "snick-snack-snupper" as I called my meal that was a little less than gourmet, which was often.

With kids you can make up a name for your concoctions and they take it as is with no questions asked until they grow up and enter a restaurant and that dish is nowhere to be found on the menu.

Which brings me to an idea of having a restaurant where it is only dishes made up and named by Moms offered. Someone needs to take that on. I would eat there!

Friday, June 12, 2009


I am at the stage in my life where I covet the riding carts at the grocery store. I have started planning my time to go when I think it will be a lighter crowd so I will be assured to claim my favorite mode of transportation . Now believe me, I never thought in my life would I be scrambling to get out my door to beat the store manager to the produce section.

Earlier this week I attempted to go during the rush hour. BIG MISTAKE!! I waited for 30 minutes for someone to come and relinquish MY cart. I was about to give up when a friendly bagger asked if he could help by finding one. He tried unsucessfully but made it a point to check back with me periodicaly. Finally my time came and I burned rubber to gather the items on my list.

Today I was up and out to beat all the "other" little old ladies. I walked through the doors to see five shiny plugged in carts reving up for my pick. I was in "grocery cart" heaven. I happily climbed aboard my "speed machine" and left dust.

Now I would say "see you in the grocery store", but I don't want any competion . If you should be there remember... don't mess with MY CART!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Faithful One

As you may know this about me, I have a beautiful service dog. Ellie Mae is nine years old and one of the sweetest dogs in the whole world.

When I received her from Canine Assistants one month after 9/11, her service to me was for balance as I walked. Unfortunately my condition has gotten worse and my needs have changed slightly. However she remains my constant companion. Now her needs have become more evident. She has had times when it is difficult for her to get up from a down position. Arthritis plagues us both.

Sometimes it is easy to take things for granted, as how well she behaves when taking her out to a restaurant. She was taught to lay down and stay until I tell her differently. She has been known to be down for two hours at a time. We have a bell at the back door that she "noses" to go out. Now I am very mindful of that sound, but at times I tell her to "wait" until it is convenient for me. She very patiently lays down and does just that.

As we both continue to age, we will always be there for each other. I hear her now. She is growling in her sleep. She is having a nightmare! The big bad wolf is after her. I need to go wake my baby up and tell her "it is just a dream", Mom is here."

Friday, June 5, 2009

Missing My Creative Side

Well I am back. I quit blogging for awhile thinking I had nothing to say. But low and behold the "chatty Cathy" syndrom came creeping back. I guess I just had to have a creative hiatus to rev me up again.

It is hot summer here and I am already looking forward to the cool crisp days of fall. Maybe it is because I have learned to knit and have made six scarves. Come October and November I will have a supply of gorgeous toasty warm neck wear, if nothing else. I love the therapy knitting provides especially if you do not have to pay attention to the project. For Mother's day my daughter gave me some beautiful soft rust color yarn for a wrap. It will be a monumental project to undertake. When I begin I plan to be at our local knit studio for guidance and support for the many errors I know will come with this endeavor. When I finish I hope my arm will not be broken after all the pats on the back I will have given myself. We all need encouragement!

As the new season begins, I hope you will come and join me to catch up on a Gammy's thoughts, or one who has been there and done that, or one who has not done that but wants to. Remember we are only as old as we think. Today I am thinking "child-like".

Monday, April 20, 2009

From Ballet To Birthday

Well this was a very social weekend for Gammy and Poppy. It started Saturday at a college auditorium. 150 children dressed in costume finery, for my personal favorite, (the lady bugs) to very experienced prima donna wannabes. They put on a show for two hours that was filled with drama from great toe-tapping music, to laughter to tears(that would be Jordan Ann). She came so far with her shyness to just being on stage facing a huge crowded audience. It was a little intimidating for Gammy. So dancing on her part was only successful during the dress rehearsal, which her smart Mom caught on camera. During the actual performance she was like a deer in headlights. But come her wedding day and if that photo op is shown at the rehersal dinner, no one will know what day it was. I sure won't tell or probably remember.

It was the start of a very growing experience for a little girl who will turn into a beautiful young woman just like her Mom. (Which by the way never made it to the stage in her younger years. She was only interested in the black leotard).

Carrying on with the social weekend was Sunday at Connor's third birthday. Family members came together to participate in a John Deere themed party. Cousins played and OD ed on cake and ice cream in Curt and Janelle's wonderful new addition to their home. Connor found his riding John Deere tractor before the presents were given out. But that did not matter since all parental control was out the window at that time.

All in all the weekend was a complete and fun success. Today I am taking a nap!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Just Thinkin'

While cleaning out my desk area I came across this poem that speaks of my thoughts of all who read this. Some people I know and many I do not, but wish I did.

Anyway in our world today, I choose to think more positively, try to remove all negative thoughts before they affect my mood, find something to do that makes my heart sing and accomplish something productive daily. Won't you join me?

Just sittin' here and thinkin', friend, and wonderin' how
twould be, if I had not known you at all
and you had not met me

All things we've shared would then be lost.
The smiles and heartaches, too--
The world would be a dreary place
if I had not known you.

But these fond memories through the years,
all the fun times too
just make me thankful you know me
and glad that I know you.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Soccer Season

Last weekend my husband and I attended our 5 year old grandson"s soccer game. Will has improved so much since last fall. Watching his team is like watching a bunch of tangerines fall aimlessly out of the bag they were puchased in. The colors of the uniforms are orange. He wears Orange T-shirts #3 (his Dads number) orange shorts that come down to his mid-calf and orange socks that come up to his thighs. All in all he is a vision in orange!

His little orange legs get to going so fast that he trips himself up but scrambles back up to get back in the game.

Watching him play is like watching my son play at age 5 which seems like just last year. Wow they say that time goes by so fast. Just watch it speed along as you experience children growing up.

The team did not win this day but his grandparents won by being there and seeing the orange flash flash before our eyes.

As we prepare for this Easter season, let me say how grateful to my heavenly Father I am for our four dear little grandchildren and their parents who are training them up in the way they should go.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Seasonal Decorating

Do you like to change your decor with the seasons? I definitely do! When the weather starts to lighten up and the days and nights are warmer, I try and shed the winter coat on the inside with fabrics of a lighter weight.

For example, I put my throws, afgans, even certain throw pillows in the closet so they will be new again in September when the "fall bug" hits. Of course my furniture never changes, but my surroundings can.

I may mix up my mantle arangement with lighter looking accessories. My grandmothers old clock will always be a focal point but some heavy antique finials will change places with airy silk flowers. I have a collection of large vases and pots that play musical chairs with the seasons and vie for center stage on a pine table or antique chest.

I enjoy collecting placemats that get swapped out for just the right look on my pine dining table. Sometimes the look I love is a shiny polished table with an old large dough bowl in the center only.

It doesn't matter how much or how little you have. With some "garage sale finds" you can create alot of different looks to suit any taste. Some of my grandmothers antiques are at home with the thrift store bargains as anything you could find in an up scale store.

To me the whole point of decorating your home is to create a haven for anyone who enters it. But more importantly it has to be a place where I love to be.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Landscaping Queens Were Here

This past weekend was my plan to do some container gardening with the help of my Mom and my sister. We started and as we looked around they were suggesting that some pruning was in order here and there. I said "I'll go and get the clippers". I had already bought flats of bedding plants but they never made it to the pots. My Mom started to tackle the barren flower beds as my sister became "Edward Scissorhands" to all the overgrown shrubs. I promise, I looked at her once and limbs were flying in every direction. When she got through all my shrubs had a haircut like kids get for going back to school. Neat and tidy, but you knew it was going to grow back one of these days. These two ladies definitely know what they are doing. I just let them go to it and was very grateful for the results.

It has been four days since the operation on my yard and the metamorphis has taken place so fast. We have had some good rain and I am now the proud owner of 7 yellow iris's that have come alive under the sun and a flowering quince that has just filled out perfectly. My hostas are growing and filling up a bed. It is so magical watching spring time waking up a yard from a long winters nap.

Thank you Mom and Jill for all your landscaping help. I know you went home to get some rest.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

And The Planting Begins

If you have been reading my latest blogs you know that I have "spring fever". That means several trips to nurseries to find just the right plants for my container gardening. I started this morning only to find out I have more plants than pots to put them in. That seems to be the story my life lately...not enough pots.

Yesterday I found some great plants that really work for my type of gardening. Begonias, dusty miller, sweet potatoe vine, coreopsis and creeping jenny will all do nicely in large pots for instant color in a small space. Adding two mombo ferns will round out the look I like on my patio.

The look of my nails right now tells me what time of year this is, and no gloves because they are too cumbersome. Anyway I feel more like a true gardener getting my hands in the dirt. I will continue to browse my garden magazines as I search for something brand new to add as I step out of my "horticulture comfort zone.

Go get your hands dirty...its time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wish I Were A Kid Again

Daughter and grand kids met me at Toys R Us today. We were scoping out ideas for upcoming birthdays in April and May. Out of four grandchildren, 3 of them are in the spring. I was just taking my time looking at all the wonderful and creative toys that are available that are absolutely foreign to me, but I wanted so many of them. Yes that is right.... there were dolls I would cuddle with tonight and books that would put me to sleep with happy dreams also. The life size doll houses surely would have replaced some of the cardboard boxes I mutilated on a regular basis. Sometimes I think I was born to early. I loved my childhood but had I had the offerings of today, maybe I would be a Harvard graduate. Oh who am I kidding...Harvard's weather would have been to cold for me.

I am happy that my four grandchildren will have the opportunities that this society offers. I will just have to be satisfied to look and not touch even when MY child is telling me to "hurry up Gammy".

Monday, March 16, 2009

Boy Did They Miss A Big Sale

Did you ever have a really good idea and things just did'nt pan out? I was going to a doctors visit today and knew that I would pass a wonderful nursery for bedding plants, ferns and perenials. It just so happens that I have the bug to do some container gardening. It is that time of year to pretty up around the front door and add some much needed interest to my patio with plants that will "show off" all through the summer.

So off I go with check book in hand ready to find all the flowers I love and the ones that would love me back by growing profusely just where I put them. I pulled up as close as I could get to the closed fence. "They must have forgotten to unlock that gate" I said to another garden enthusiast. Nope the other gate was locked also. OK I had a check book in my hand ready to use, did'nt they know? I even saw plants I wanted but was prepared to hear that " they had not come in yet". I even had my sister coming this week who has a very green thumb as opposed to my pale gray one. My plan was to pull the Huckleberry Finn caper (where you get someone else to do your job. ) Hence, my sister! She is very good!

Right now all I have are some very dirty pots with some of last years dead unidentifiable crunchy weeds in them. Luckily I still have a few days to scout out some new nursery who will appreciate an eager customer when they see me. It's that time of year. Happy Planting!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Sweet Light of Spring

Well the time has glad. More daylight at suppertime. I have always loved the light hours that remain after the nightime meal. When I was a kid it was the chance for more outside time before bed. A little more bike riding time or finishing a hopscotch marathon. As I got older it allowed more time sitting on the hoods of boyfriends cars( at least until parents ruined that magic moment with "Patty, you need to come in and do the dishes") That was what younger sisters were born for.

As I became a married adult, I can remember many evenings sitting out on the stoop of our first apartment, or in the yard on lawn chairs to catch the last hours of a warm spring day.

As children came the begging to stay outside after supper ("just a little longer") was granted to have some special quiet time with my husband to talk over the day or plan the next one.

Now at this time in my life, it is sweet to see daylight still as I ponder the events or blessings of the day as the sun sets. Isn't it amazing how we take the time in our mature years to notice our surroundings and marvel at God's handy-work? I am anxiously awaiting my dafodils to bloom.
As I do, I know He will bless me with some unexpected surprises in the garden besides weeds.

So go outside tonight, sit and listen. You will hear some crickets and maybe a frog, but most of all the dusk that comes now is an hour later than it was last week. Happy Spring!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tea For Three

Today I woke up looking forward to the events of the day. Two good friends were coming to visit. We had been trying to get together for some time but other commitments were always present until this sun - shiny day.

They arrived early enough to be able to sit and talk before going to an antique/tea room for a fabulous lunch. I had not seen these two since this past summer and there was alot of catching up to do. We enjoyed the meal of tomato basil soup and the salad sampler plate. (My personal favorite). Then if that was not enough, we shared a hot praline brownie with ice cream and almonds sprinkled on top. Soooooo good!

After that meal we had to walk many calories off as we browsed through the shop "oooing and ahhing" at much of the wonderful accessories that were arranged so artfully everywhere. Now none of this was needed by any of us, but these places are geared for the "decorator wannabes". In one corner were some antique colored chicks that Pat had to have. After I saw them I had to have a mama and baby. They are gold mottled ceramics which are antiqued in an umber glaze. They have a place of honor sitting on an old pine cabinet I own . I just love them.

We had a wonderful time and vowed to do it again soon. Friends are so special and a great blessing from God. Sometimes we need to work at finding time to share each others lives, but the result is so rewarding. Thanks Gail and Pat.....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It IsTough Being A Gammy

Just got back from keeping my grandson, while my daughter took her daughter to parents-day at ballet class. After a peaceful relaxing afternoon with Jack and the Wiggles, I hear the car pull in the garage and in storms Carly and Jordan Ann both in tears. Somehow I knew not to say anything until she volunteered. They both disappeared into the bedroom and I heard JordanAnn getting a spanking and a long silence...talking I am sure. At least I was hoping. Sure enough they both reappeared after a change of clothes. All this time Jack and I are laying low not knowing the full circumstance of this situation. Carly walked me to my car and told me that Jordan Ann refused to perform at the recital, but that was not why she was getting a spanking. It was the drama that had occured as she left the grand hall while JA went screaming , wailing and gnashing of teeth.

My daughter does a very good job of disciplining, much more patient than I ever was. She sees the problem and removes herself and the guilty child away from the scene of the crime and then deals with it. They both came out of the battle-zone happy and speaking kindly to one another.
Neither harboring any left-over anger. That was always difficult for me.

It is very hard to be a parent today in this society we find ourselves in. I am glad my time for heavy duty discipline is over but my heart goes out to the y oung parents of today. If parents do not discourage bad behavior at a young age this world will continue on a downward spiral of a generation who is turning out spoiled, unruly and disrespectful . My grandchildren deserve a better future than this. Difficult to hear, maybe , but spanking correctly is God ordained.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finding True Love

Valentine's Day is over but that does'nt mean true love is over. I am married to my true love. A long time ago we decided that we would elope to Livingston Alabama. I was working at one of the banks and had heard that was the place to go if you were under age. I had just turned 20 and my man was 6 weeks younger (he never lets me forget that). There is something mysterious about an older woman. Anyway I left for my job that day and just made a major detour to the mariage mecca of the south at that time. Now we had planned this to still be as romantic as two broke lovers could be. We had fully intended to be married in the Baptist Church of Livington when we got there. After checking with the court house and signing any papers we needed we asked "where the church was located." It came as quite a shock to hear the news that the church had burned down the week before. So plan B went into effect. We would go to the preachers house and be married. Sounds simple enough...

Everything was going as planned, almost. When arriving at the preachers house we had some unexpected guests to witness the nuptials. The housekeeper and the preachers 5 yr.old son attended the festivities. Yes was so romantic, as we said our vows the son ran around us with his matchbox cars going "varoooom".

Well we did not care, we were married and had our whole life ahead of us. I had a hope chest with two terrycloth dish towels in it and no home or thought of where we were going, but we were married. Bliss lasted for an hour or so when reality set in and we realized we still had to go home and face 4 parents who had alot to swallow. To this day my siblings still talk about how life was after I DID THAT TO THEM.!!!

So 43 years, 3 children, 4 grandchildren, 5 or 6 dogs, laughter, tears, happiness, sorrow, disappointments, and successes later we still find ourselves laughing until it hurts at each others jokes or comments. Now we know everyone does not have a story like this, but if you do cherish it for as long as you can. Life is what you make it is a cliche, but still so very true.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Some Friends Never Change.

Well I am finally back. Have had computer problems since my last post. Can anyone relate? Let's see...valentine's day has come and gone. Hope you had a good one. My funny valentine (meaning he makes me laugh) and I have had a fun filled weekend visiting with friends we had when all of us were first married. Some of us have not seen each other for some 30 years. Saturday night it was a marathon of laughing and reminiscing of old times. Some stories were fact and others were definitely fiction. There were pictures of grown children and dear grandchildren that were shared. We all stayed up later than any of us usually can, but none of us wanted the night to end.

As I have said before "there is nothing like being with people who knew you when, yet they still like you." Friendships come and go, life goes by, but some people will be there for a time and others remain constant no matter how many years are involved.

This group has had some trials and tribulations, as most do in this life. But THIS group all has the assurance of the Lord in their lives who has seen them through.

As I ponder the wonderful thoughts and images of the weekend, I smile and sometimes laugh out loud. We all vowed to not let so much time go by before another party.
Thank you Eddie & Jane, Goober & Marijon and Wilson & Joan for being in our lives.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's All In The Game

Several years ago my parents started playing a game called "Rummy Cue". They talked about it constantly and wanted to teach the game to the family. Well eventually it caught on and became the game of choice whenever any of us got together. My parents played with their friends and neighbors. It would not be unusual to be summoned to their home on the weekends to be fed and cornered in their dining room after a quick meal to set up the table for an evening of serious competition.

After my Dad died, my Mom had two good friends rally around her. Their friendship became a major help to my Mom as she worked through her grief. That was in 2004 and to this day the 3 muskateers continue to keep a running tally of the games that they play. I have joined them on many occasions and are constantly learning from three 80-plus year olds how to win at rummy cue. Now they do not lose many games and I feel so privileged when I beat them.

I played with the game sharks yesterday and started out very well, only to see my lead go up in smoke as the day went by. You would think that they would give a late bloomer some slack but these ladies are out for blood , which is usually mine. Oh well, when I grow up, I want to be just like them.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Knit One Purl Two

Today I have signed up to take a couple of knitting lessons in the next few weeks. Carly, my daughter is going to join me. We both know how to crochet and my Gam taught me to knit when I was about 10 years old. That was many, many moons ago. I just need to do something with my hands and a refresher course is going to be needed. So Knitting Studio here we come....

At Christmas I always decorate with two red caps that Gam knitted for my boys when they were small. They are either on a stuffed bear or I place them on the post of a rocking chair. This year all four of my grandchildren went straight to the hats and put them on their heads without being told. It was part of the trip to Gammy's house.

Memories are so important to me that it is time for the next Gammy to leave something handmade for the next generation. However, when I walked into the Knitting Studio, I spotted the most beautiful shawl I have ever seen. Now the owner told me that I would need to work into that project. That is my goal! I am slowly accomplishing some of my new years (things to do in 2009).

Does anyone out there knit? Oh another thing that appeals to me is to find a knitting bag for all my stuff. I love stuff! Any project I have ever started I have enjoyed the process of gathering up everything I would need for the particular craft. In this case it will be all different sizes of needles, colorful skeins of yarns and different pattern books. Wow, maybe I should just get a bag and forget the knitting. No just kidding!

Monday, February 2, 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Friday was one of those picture-perfect days. The sky was crystal blue and the temperature was warm, almost causing spring fever. I headed out that morning to the grocery store actually looking forward to the chore since I was planning company and grandchildren visits over the weekend. I left my neighborhood enjoying my selection of music on the CD player. On the journey there I passed green, mowed lawn along the side of the road. Unfortunately, I also passed a group of young women in green and white prison uniforms with bags of garbage and sticks that were picking up the roadside litter. Now I have seen this sight before and always felt bad, but on this day I really stopped to ponder the situation.

These young women looked no older than 20 or 30 years of age, if that old. One was a blond with a ponytail that swung from side to side as she worked. Another was a cute short-hairedgirl that looked like she could have been a college cheerleader. However, somewhere along the way their life went in the wrong direction. Why? Did they not have have a Mom who they looked up to? Did they have a Dad who provided for their upbringing? Were they going to school and got into the wrong crowd? Did they have anyone who told them that they were loved or were special?

I know that there are so many different reasons why someone goes down the wrong road in life.
Have you ever thought how you are not out there picking up litter? We all have a free will and an option to do right or wrong.

We need to teach the next generation to love, care and look out for one another. Teach our children the rights of all people. Kindness to all people. Respect for all people. Because we need to remember "there, but for the grace of God, go I."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Too Many Tears

My dear friend from childhood surprised me with a phone call today. She was like a ray of sunshine on a cold, rainy and gloomy day. We started talking like magpies, as we always do. Being at the same stage in life_____happy grandmas , we are so very proud of the little people in our lives.

Bets is a very positive and uplifting person. however she has had a very sad loss in 2008. My heart hurts and aches for her. We talked about how everyone has situations that are worse than yours, but when you are trying to cope it is not much consolation. I listened to her express her feelings and I honestly wanted to take her back to our old neighborhood where summers were spent collecting lightening bugs in mayonaise jars and winters caught us making snow angels on days off from school after a storm.

They say time heals all wounds but time cannot patch up cracks that remain on a person's heart. That is where the Lord comes in and ministers to our needs even before we know what they are. My friend knows that and waits for time to take her tears away for a season. It is my prayer for many days of happiness and joy that she needs to fill those cracks. I love you, Bets.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Magic Words

If you read my daughters blog, today she wrote about Jack finally saying "thank you". Now I am one who thinks the world would be a better place if everyone used their manners. Some people, I realize may have not had the good fortune to be told or showed the proper manners as a child . But that is were I come in. When I was growing up, my parents made sure I was taught and also made sure I used my manners. As a payback I made sure my children had the same teachings.. That is only fair don't you think? Now as I see my grandchildren coming up in this world where social graces just are not expected, I am glad my influence is still there. Honestly, don"t you think saying "please" and "thank you" can make even the hardest request sound pleasant? For instance, what if you said to your husband "take me out to dinner". That would not go over very well in my house. But if I said "honey, please lets have a date tonight and go out to eat". I still may have to settle for a "take-out" but that is still one of my four food groups.
I would say "thank you very much".

The world is so much more pleasant to live in when manners are used. One time recently, I went through a drive-thru to pick up some lunch. I pulled up to the window after placing my order at a first window to a person who looked at me and said nothing. Zip. Nada. Well it was not the day that I was willing to overlook rudeness. She literally flung the bag at me still not speaking and through clenched teeth I said "your welcome". She said "huh"? Then I took it upon myself to teach her what her Mama did not. I looked at her and said"your welcome" again. She had such a puzzled look on her face. I told her that when someone says" your welcome," that usually means someone has thanked that person first. She said grumbling "oh thank you". I don't know if she learned anything that day but I sure did feel better.

We teach our babies the "magic words" but we need to remember to use them ourselves. Oh, by the way, thank you for reading my blog.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Focusing On Ellie Mae

The gold in my life has nothing to do with fine jewelry or gold bars of precious metal. It is a four legged golden retreiver. She came into my life in 2001 (one month after 911). Ellie Mae is my ever faithful golden retreiver service dog. I have multiple sclerosis, a disease of the central nervous system that (in my case) causes difficulty in walking long distances. She was trained to walk beside me at my gait and to be a stablizing force in my life, in more ways than one. When I first received Ellie Mae she became important to me for walking. Yet the longer I have had her she has become a part of my life that is a constant. She is faithful when I need her and faithful when I think I can do things on my own. She never changes unlike humans. Did you know that a dog is the one animal that totally depends on her master to take care of her every need? She only asks that you treat her like one of the family

At almost 9 years old now, Ellie has some issues with arthritis and getting around. She has become more content to lay around and watch me take off in a new power chair that I received in the fall for distance traveling. She looks at me as if to say "Mom if it is ok, I will just wait here for you til you get back". She knows I will return.

Dogs add so much to the human life span. We all need to feel needed. When children grow up and leave the nest, as is the way it should happen, a dog will remain faithful to the one who has cared for her. My sister gave me a painting when I got Ellie Mae. It is a picture of a golden in a down position. The quote says "my goal in life is to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am." Oh I hope that is true.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Recipe Worth Saving

Last night my motherinlaw came to have dinner with her son and me. As she most always does, she brought something to add to the meal. In our very fortunate case last night, it was her pecan pie. Now let me tell you her pecan pies are legendary. There are many bakers out there but it is the little extra secrets that make hers stand head and shoulders above all others.

When my father-in-law was alive, during Christmas I was visiting. It had been a day of baking and cooking at their home, Mamaw had produced several pecan pies that were stored in the unlikely place at the time, the pie safe. Now originally these cupboards were called that because food storage was at a premium in most kitchens. Mamaw had used hers to store linens and items unrelated to food. Except this day when my fatherinlaw summoned me to come and see where the blue-ribboned pies were waiting for us. There was only one other person who loved her pies as much as I did and that was Pop. That day we had a secret that only we knew. I was fortunate to be in on the pie-hiding caper.

I can never eat a pecan pie without remembering those special times at my inlaws home. Mamaw wrote down the recipe one more time and added her little tips for a delicious success.
My motherinlaw's handwriting (age 85) is exactly the correct penmanship that we were all taught but few mastered. Her recipes are even more special because of that. If you want a wonderful (not on your diet) pecan pie to bake only on special occasions I will happily share.

Here's to tried and true recipes to delight any palate.....

Pecan Pie----

1 cup sugar
1 cup light Karo syrup
3 lg. eggs
2 tbsp. butter (not margerine)
2 tbsp. flour (plain)
1 T vanilla
1 pie crust
1 1/2 cups toasted pecans (if toasted they are easier to cut small)

Mix eggs. sugar, karo, butter. Add flour. Mix until mixed well. Add vanilla. Add pecans. Fold in to mixture. Add to pie crust.

Bake @425 for 15 min. Then at 325 til browned and set in middle when touched lightly with finger maybe 30 min.

LET COOL & grab a glass of milk and test before giving it to your company. (that is my suggestion)

Friday, January 16, 2009


Well I have been tagged. Now in the blogging world I understand what that means finally. Prior to that, I thought tagging was the thing I tore out of my clothes so no one knew what size I wore. People, you do not know how old I am. None of my friends blog. I don't know if they are to lazy, or have nothing to say or can 't figure how to set it up on the computer. I think it is the latter Maybe you younger women cou ld take it upon yourselves to teach your Mom's and grandmas. We really need to know. We still want to play. Remember we grew up with typewriters.
Now I am still going to answer the question which was write six quirky things I do in my life.
Well where do I start?

1. I am a stickler for being on time. Just ask my children. We were never late. I wanted to see everyone who came into church first. When dropping off our children in Sunday School I made my husband stay with them until their late teacher showed up while I ran to choir to be first to get my music. (I was obsessed) Sorry I did not mean to carry on. Then there was the time my daugter got married in October and in March I was concerned when in the service I would be walking down the aisle. (I just wanted to prepare)

2.When I get a new magazine, I go through and tear out all the cards for subscriptions and other nonsense. Once I counted 19 in one magazine. Now that is overkill.

3. After a night time bath or shower, I can never get right in the bed. I need to watch a little more TV to "chill" before retiring.

4. When grocery shopping I usually buy one more can good than I need just in case!

5. I often wish I had studied writing in school. That is why blogging appeals to me. No one is telling me it is wrong.

6. I watch Dancing with the Stars and secretly wish I could dance like those women can.

I'll save the rest for the next tagging game. Isn't there someone out there more my age that I could play tag with? Blog me and tag, your it!

A Good Day For Soup

Burrrrr! "Baby its cold outside!" As almost all of us are saying today. Even with the sun shining(thankfully) I want to stay close to the gas fireplace, which does put out some heat. All I can think of is eating soup. Now I am not an expert on soup ,even though I know what I like. ... Campbell's tomato soup is my all time favorite, as well as, Lipton's Noodle soup. (Have you seen that lipton's now makes it with extra noodles? umm good!

When I was growing up my grandmother, "Gam", (she was the original Gam), made the best homemade vegetable soup. Even as I was a young Mom, she was making and sharing a take home container with me. My kids called "it Gam's homemade Campbell soup." It was a meal in itself.

I have tried to make vegetable soup and it's ok,but it just does'nt taste like Gam's did. Maybe it was'nt so much the soup that I liked ,as much as ,my Gam's time and company.
I only hope that my own grandchildren, Will , Jordan Ann, Connor and Jack will have sweet memories of me, their Gammy. When they come to my house I may open a can of Campbell's tomato soup, but it will be the good time they had here at Gammy's that they remember when they are grown.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Friends for Life

Two years ago I got on and looked up an old childhood friend. Never thinking that I would find her after sending a message, my (you've got mail ) button rang on my computer. My dear friend Betsy from 4th grade was answering me. I was so excited I could hardly answer back with my shaking hands. We planned a phone call and we talked like two magpies. She told me she was in touch with a third friend, Sherry and she called her in another part of the country to say that I had been found. Apparently they were looking for me over the years. I was the one who was lost and did not know it!

We immediately started planning a reunion. They came to see me the first year. I picked them up at the airport . I do not think I slept the night before. I was so excited! They had been getting together over the years but I had not seen them in 26 years. I remember waiting at the airport gate wondering if Iwould recognize them. More importantly, would they recognize me?
I stood waiting for such a long time anxiously hoping to see a familiar face. All of a sudden I see arms waving above the crowd. And there were my two best friends from childhood. They had not changed. Their walks and talk and laughs were everything I remembered from 26 years ago.
After alot of hugging, crying and laughing, all at the same time, we spent three wonderful days together. We needed to catch up on alot of life that we had experienced over the years.

We have since met again last summer for another round of girl talk and sharing adult life. Now that has turned into three grandmothers getting together sharing what their grandchildren mean in our lives.

I believe that if you have been fortunate enough to still have your childhood friends in your life, then you are indeed a very blessed person. Stay in touch and connected with your friends since they are the only ones who knew you when...

In two short years we have packed decades of life experiences talking and sharing. Some have been happy, some sad but all of our stories have been so much more enriched since I have found Betsy and Sherry. I hope we can continue our visit time this summer.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Looking Ahead With One Eye On The Rear View Mirror

Ah! January. The month after December where we had so much fun baking. cooking, tasting, and eating until our hearts were content. Now it is PAYBACK TIME! Like so many of us do, I dusted off the scale so I could read the dreaded number that would come up in the window. Well I hopped up on the scale (well actually I lumbered up I don't hop anymore) and peered through my dirty bifocals to see a shocking sight. My scale window said LO. Now WHAT does that mean? LO because I weigh too much to register a true weight or LO because it had to register LO to get a running start to get way up there again, or LO because the battery went dead because of decades of inactive use? I don't know. But I was depressed. Here I had committed on a new me in 2009 and the first thing I had planned on doing was get an accurate weight privately and my attempt was foiled. Well I did not dispair. I had a doctors appt. that week for a checkup. I was going to do what I have absolutely NEVER done before. I was going to ask to be weighed. Oh the horrors. So I put on my "big girl panties" I mean really big girl panties and told the nurse my plan for the new year and that I wanted a true weight. ( I even kept my sweater and shoes on)
Well when she gave me the verdict with a smirky smile on her face, I wanted to smack her. Nevertheless, it is what it is, and I am dealing with it.

It's times like these that it is never good to look back with regret at the way your life has turned out. But to look forward to the future and what and how you can make it better for yourself or your loved ones. The Lord always forgives and gives us a second chance if we are sincere in our efforts. All the fudge I snarfed up is all my fault and there sure was no one forcing it down my throat. Now I need to forgive myself and go forward.

I would love to continue visiting with you, but I have to go throw a scale in the garbage and go dust off my pilates machine. Gee I sure hope I don"t need any batteries.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Imagination Runs Amuck or Wild

When I was a little girl about 3 or 4 I had two imaginary friends. Their names were Peano and Clooney. They were my constant companions and are a part of my life to this day. Not that I am talking to them and all that, but when I think of that imaginary play time I had as a child, it is comforting to remember something that brought me so much pleasure. As an adult I have read about imginary friends and what positive benefits it can bring to a child. Now my granddaughter is constantly in an imaginary world of play when she is by herself. She does not like to be disturbed or interrupted either. Her world is her own and she would not let Peano or Clooney invade it.

Years ago my husband and I owned an inn that we had built after I had a very wild hair to operate one. We named one of the rooms after my friends Peano and Clooney. After telling our guests the meaning behind the bedroom's name they would play along with me and come downstairs the next morning filled with wild stories about the antics of my friends. Laughter would start and we honestly could hear Peano & Clooney giggling hysterically.

I guess what all this mean is that I have not or will ever grow up completely. But that's O.K. If Jordan Ann lets me into her imaginary world, I just might introduce her to Peano & Clooney.

This is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Well, just call me a late bloomer, but I feel the need to blog. Yes, it is strange, I know. Ever since my daughter began the internet diary, I have enjoyed reading, commenting and learning new links. It seems that so many bloggers are women, newly married or have young children. None of the above applies to me. I have been married to the same man a very long time in today's standards. My children are grown and gone and are constantly teaching me the internet life. The little people in my family are my precious grandchildren. However, the creative side of me was drawn to this form of recording thoughts, ideas and hopefully suggestions for oneself or anyone else who may be a "blogging fiend".

I have always enjoyed walking or riding by homes where the lights are on and it looks so inviting, you wish you knew the occupants inside. I imagine what their life may be like. Blogging is somehting like that. Sharing your life to the ones who peer in your computer windows.

Everyone has a story to tell and who's more qualified to tell my story than Pat Allen?

My desire is to share from a (young) grandmother's perspective. A life who has "been there and done that" but who still has more to say. Please join me on this journey, as we learn from one another.