Friday, July 3, 2009

Ellie Mae's "bo bo's"

Golden Retrievers have alot of fatty lumps on their skin. That just goes with the breed. Last week Ellie Mae had a large lump at the beginning of her tail just below her back along with several on her side. We had our vet look her over and all were checked and came back benign. Two days later they became infected and were "hot spots" that she would not leave alone. Back to the doctor we went to hear that this problem is very painful for a dog. An operation on her tail followed. Well I went to pieces when I saw the struggle she gave before being put on the exam table. Her big brown eyes looked at me as if to say "Mom, please don't leave me". Tearfully, I left the office knowing she was in good hands, but also knowing that this was the first time we have ever been separated since 2001.

You hear about pets becoming like children, but this experience hurt as much as when my children were sick with fever and I felt inadequate to care for them.

After a long night, we picked her up sedated and somewhat dazed. Her big brown eyes were half closed as she glanced at me. I know she was thinking "why did you let them do this to me?"

Her tail was shaved with a bright blue compression bandage wrapped tightly around down to the end and a little pom pom of hair (like a rabbits tail) was left. On her back there was a 5 inch square of hair shaved in the middle of her back with several stitches exposed for all to see her battle wounds. She had two more places on her side where tumors were removed. Her leg had an area shaved for the use of an IV. All in all she looks pretty good for the war she has been in.

After two days of drugs and a sedative that made her "zombie-like" she is becoming more like herself again. The bandage comes off today and her tail will look more like a snake than a beautiful plumb she once had.

They say time heals all and I know that is true. I have learned once again (as if I needed to be reminded) how important this dog is to me.

Have a safe 4th of July! Ellie Mae says "ruff."

1 comment:

  1. Pat,I know exactly how you feel about having to see Ellie Mae go thru her surgery! Believe me I have been there with both of my dogs.First with my Brittany who had cancer and died after a stroke at age 13,then with the cocker spaniel,Lady Jane, that I have adopted. She also has lumps on far they are sebaceous cysts and I have them checked every Vet visit.She seems as she is getting older to be growing more of them! But she has been in the hospital several times for other problems.It is NOT easy watching our babies suffer and also having them be away from us. I even miss Lady Jane when I leave her at the groomers for several hours every couple of months!!! JACKIE from THE SHINING STAR BLOG
