Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tea For Three

Today I woke up looking forward to the events of the day. Two good friends were coming to visit. We had been trying to get together for some time but other commitments were always present until this sun - shiny day.

They arrived early enough to be able to sit and talk before going to an antique/tea room for a fabulous lunch. I had not seen these two since this past summer and there was alot of catching up to do. We enjoyed the meal of tomato basil soup and the salad sampler plate. (My personal favorite). Then if that was not enough, we shared a hot praline brownie with ice cream and almonds sprinkled on top. Soooooo good!

After that meal we had to walk many calories off as we browsed through the shop "oooing and ahhing" at much of the wonderful accessories that were arranged so artfully everywhere. Now none of this was needed by any of us, but these places are geared for the "decorator wannabes". In one corner were some antique colored chicks that Pat had to have. After I saw them I had to have a mama and baby. They are gold mottled ceramics which are antiqued in an umber glaze. They have a place of honor sitting on an old pine cabinet I own . I just love them.

We had a wonderful time and vowed to do it again soon. Friends are so special and a great blessing from God. Sometimes we need to work at finding time to share each others lives, but the result is so rewarding. Thanks Gail and Pat.....

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