Friday, January 16, 2009


Well I have been tagged. Now in the blogging world I understand what that means finally. Prior to that, I thought tagging was the thing I tore out of my clothes so no one knew what size I wore. People, you do not know how old I am. None of my friends blog. I don't know if they are to lazy, or have nothing to say or can 't figure how to set it up on the computer. I think it is the latter Maybe you younger women cou ld take it upon yourselves to teach your Mom's and grandmas. We really need to know. We still want to play. Remember we grew up with typewriters.
Now I am still going to answer the question which was write six quirky things I do in my life.
Well where do I start?

1. I am a stickler for being on time. Just ask my children. We were never late. I wanted to see everyone who came into church first. When dropping off our children in Sunday School I made my husband stay with them until their late teacher showed up while I ran to choir to be first to get my music. (I was obsessed) Sorry I did not mean to carry on. Then there was the time my daugter got married in October and in March I was concerned when in the service I would be walking down the aisle. (I just wanted to prepare)

2.When I get a new magazine, I go through and tear out all the cards for subscriptions and other nonsense. Once I counted 19 in one magazine. Now that is overkill.

3. After a night time bath or shower, I can never get right in the bed. I need to watch a little more TV to "chill" before retiring.

4. When grocery shopping I usually buy one more can good than I need just in case!

5. I often wish I had studied writing in school. That is why blogging appeals to me. No one is telling me it is wrong.

6. I watch Dancing with the Stars and secretly wish I could dance like those women can.

I'll save the rest for the next tagging game. Isn't there someone out there more my age that I could play tag with? Blog me and tag, your it!


  1. I am obsessive about time as well, God blessed me with a husband who is just as crazy about being on time or early!! You did a great job in this tagging game!!

  2. I am obsessed with time too! I think it is because my Daddy drilled it into me. His motto was "if you are the second car in the parking lot on Sunday mornings, you are late!"

    I am also glad that there is someone else that buys one more canned good than they need. Now I can tell my husband that I am not the only one. I tell him that if I get home and find out that I love the recipe I don't want to go out and buy the ingredients all over again!

  3. LOVE the first paragraph of this post. I was laughing out loud at your thoughts of what tagging is. Too cute. I'm so glad you've figured out this blogging thing! =)
