Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finding True Love

Valentine's Day is over but that does'nt mean true love is over. I am married to my true love. A long time ago we decided that we would elope to Livingston Alabama. I was working at one of the banks and had heard that was the place to go if you were under age. I had just turned 20 and my man was 6 weeks younger (he never lets me forget that). There is something mysterious about an older woman. Anyway I left for my job that day and just made a major detour to the mariage mecca of the south at that time. Now we had planned this to still be as romantic as two broke lovers could be. We had fully intended to be married in the Baptist Church of Livington when we got there. After checking with the court house and signing any papers we needed we asked "where the church was located." It came as quite a shock to hear the news that the church had burned down the week before. So plan B went into effect. We would go to the preachers house and be married. Sounds simple enough...

Everything was going as planned, almost. When arriving at the preachers house we had some unexpected guests to witness the nuptials. The housekeeper and the preachers 5 yr.old son attended the festivities. Yes was so romantic, as we said our vows the son ran around us with his matchbox cars going "varoooom".

Well we did not care, we were married and had our whole life ahead of us. I had a hope chest with two terrycloth dish towels in it and no home or thought of where we were going, but we were married. Bliss lasted for an hour or so when reality set in and we realized we still had to go home and face 4 parents who had alot to swallow. To this day my siblings still talk about how life was after I DID THAT TO THEM.!!!

So 43 years, 3 children, 4 grandchildren, 5 or 6 dogs, laughter, tears, happiness, sorrow, disappointments, and successes later we still find ourselves laughing until it hurts at each others jokes or comments. Now we know everyone does not have a story like this, but if you do cherish it for as long as you can. Life is what you make it is a cliche, but still so very true.


  1. That is precious and I so needed the laugh about the little boy today, Thanks for that!!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this post. Thanks for sharing!!
