Thursday, February 26, 2009

It IsTough Being A Gammy

Just got back from keeping my grandson, while my daughter took her daughter to parents-day at ballet class. After a peaceful relaxing afternoon with Jack and the Wiggles, I hear the car pull in the garage and in storms Carly and Jordan Ann both in tears. Somehow I knew not to say anything until she volunteered. They both disappeared into the bedroom and I heard JordanAnn getting a spanking and a long silence...talking I am sure. At least I was hoping. Sure enough they both reappeared after a change of clothes. All this time Jack and I are laying low not knowing the full circumstance of this situation. Carly walked me to my car and told me that Jordan Ann refused to perform at the recital, but that was not why she was getting a spanking. It was the drama that had occured as she left the grand hall while JA went screaming , wailing and gnashing of teeth.

My daughter does a very good job of disciplining, much more patient than I ever was. She sees the problem and removes herself and the guilty child away from the scene of the crime and then deals with it. They both came out of the battle-zone happy and speaking kindly to one another.
Neither harboring any left-over anger. That was always difficult for me.

It is very hard to be a parent today in this society we find ourselves in. I am glad my time for heavy duty discipline is over but my heart goes out to the y oung parents of today. If parents do not discourage bad behavior at a young age this world will continue on a downward spiral of a generation who is turning out spoiled, unruly and disrespectful . My grandchildren deserve a better future than this. Difficult to hear, maybe , but spanking correctly is God ordained.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finding True Love

Valentine's Day is over but that does'nt mean true love is over. I am married to my true love. A long time ago we decided that we would elope to Livingston Alabama. I was working at one of the banks and had heard that was the place to go if you were under age. I had just turned 20 and my man was 6 weeks younger (he never lets me forget that). There is something mysterious about an older woman. Anyway I left for my job that day and just made a major detour to the mariage mecca of the south at that time. Now we had planned this to still be as romantic as two broke lovers could be. We had fully intended to be married in the Baptist Church of Livington when we got there. After checking with the court house and signing any papers we needed we asked "where the church was located." It came as quite a shock to hear the news that the church had burned down the week before. So plan B went into effect. We would go to the preachers house and be married. Sounds simple enough...

Everything was going as planned, almost. When arriving at the preachers house we had some unexpected guests to witness the nuptials. The housekeeper and the preachers 5 yr.old son attended the festivities. Yes was so romantic, as we said our vows the son ran around us with his matchbox cars going "varoooom".

Well we did not care, we were married and had our whole life ahead of us. I had a hope chest with two terrycloth dish towels in it and no home or thought of where we were going, but we were married. Bliss lasted for an hour or so when reality set in and we realized we still had to go home and face 4 parents who had alot to swallow. To this day my siblings still talk about how life was after I DID THAT TO THEM.!!!

So 43 years, 3 children, 4 grandchildren, 5 or 6 dogs, laughter, tears, happiness, sorrow, disappointments, and successes later we still find ourselves laughing until it hurts at each others jokes or comments. Now we know everyone does not have a story like this, but if you do cherish it for as long as you can. Life is what you make it is a cliche, but still so very true.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Some Friends Never Change.

Well I am finally back. Have had computer problems since my last post. Can anyone relate? Let's see...valentine's day has come and gone. Hope you had a good one. My funny valentine (meaning he makes me laugh) and I have had a fun filled weekend visiting with friends we had when all of us were first married. Some of us have not seen each other for some 30 years. Saturday night it was a marathon of laughing and reminiscing of old times. Some stories were fact and others were definitely fiction. There were pictures of grown children and dear grandchildren that were shared. We all stayed up later than any of us usually can, but none of us wanted the night to end.

As I have said before "there is nothing like being with people who knew you when, yet they still like you." Friendships come and go, life goes by, but some people will be there for a time and others remain constant no matter how many years are involved.

This group has had some trials and tribulations, as most do in this life. But THIS group all has the assurance of the Lord in their lives who has seen them through.

As I ponder the wonderful thoughts and images of the weekend, I smile and sometimes laugh out loud. We all vowed to not let so much time go by before another party.
Thank you Eddie & Jane, Goober & Marijon and Wilson & Joan for being in our lives.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's All In The Game

Several years ago my parents started playing a game called "Rummy Cue". They talked about it constantly and wanted to teach the game to the family. Well eventually it caught on and became the game of choice whenever any of us got together. My parents played with their friends and neighbors. It would not be unusual to be summoned to their home on the weekends to be fed and cornered in their dining room after a quick meal to set up the table for an evening of serious competition.

After my Dad died, my Mom had two good friends rally around her. Their friendship became a major help to my Mom as she worked through her grief. That was in 2004 and to this day the 3 muskateers continue to keep a running tally of the games that they play. I have joined them on many occasions and are constantly learning from three 80-plus year olds how to win at rummy cue. Now they do not lose many games and I feel so privileged when I beat them.

I played with the game sharks yesterday and started out very well, only to see my lead go up in smoke as the day went by. You would think that they would give a late bloomer some slack but these ladies are out for blood , which is usually mine. Oh well, when I grow up, I want to be just like them.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Knit One Purl Two

Today I have signed up to take a couple of knitting lessons in the next few weeks. Carly, my daughter is going to join me. We both know how to crochet and my Gam taught me to knit when I was about 10 years old. That was many, many moons ago. I just need to do something with my hands and a refresher course is going to be needed. So Knitting Studio here we come....

At Christmas I always decorate with two red caps that Gam knitted for my boys when they were small. They are either on a stuffed bear or I place them on the post of a rocking chair. This year all four of my grandchildren went straight to the hats and put them on their heads without being told. It was part of the trip to Gammy's house.

Memories are so important to me that it is time for the next Gammy to leave something handmade for the next generation. However, when I walked into the Knitting Studio, I spotted the most beautiful shawl I have ever seen. Now the owner told me that I would need to work into that project. That is my goal! I am slowly accomplishing some of my new years (things to do in 2009).

Does anyone out there knit? Oh another thing that appeals to me is to find a knitting bag for all my stuff. I love stuff! Any project I have ever started I have enjoyed the process of gathering up everything I would need for the particular craft. In this case it will be all different sizes of needles, colorful skeins of yarns and different pattern books. Wow, maybe I should just get a bag and forget the knitting. No just kidding!

Monday, February 2, 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Friday was one of those picture-perfect days. The sky was crystal blue and the temperature was warm, almost causing spring fever. I headed out that morning to the grocery store actually looking forward to the chore since I was planning company and grandchildren visits over the weekend. I left my neighborhood enjoying my selection of music on the CD player. On the journey there I passed green, mowed lawn along the side of the road. Unfortunately, I also passed a group of young women in green and white prison uniforms with bags of garbage and sticks that were picking up the roadside litter. Now I have seen this sight before and always felt bad, but on this day I really stopped to ponder the situation.

These young women looked no older than 20 or 30 years of age, if that old. One was a blond with a ponytail that swung from side to side as she worked. Another was a cute short-hairedgirl that looked like she could have been a college cheerleader. However, somewhere along the way their life went in the wrong direction. Why? Did they not have have a Mom who they looked up to? Did they have a Dad who provided for their upbringing? Were they going to school and got into the wrong crowd? Did they have anyone who told them that they were loved or were special?

I know that there are so many different reasons why someone goes down the wrong road in life.
Have you ever thought how you are not out there picking up litter? We all have a free will and an option to do right or wrong.

We need to teach the next generation to love, care and look out for one another. Teach our children the rights of all people. Kindness to all people. Respect for all people. Because we need to remember "there, but for the grace of God, go I."